Inspiring Entrepreneurship
By: Emmanuel Godfrey
During the months of October and November 2020, we implemented a virtual career training program for youth in Liberia. We designed and implemented the Career Summit with the aim of exposing youths to a variety of career options and innovations. The career summit, which took place online via Zoom, inspired 20 young people to create employment opportunities for themselves and others. The program invited young entrepreneurs and business executives from the U.S., Nigeria, Liberia, Pakistan, and other countries to speak at the virtual event. Some of the speakers were YES Alumni. Our volunteer speakers are youth who have found success in their careers, some are founders and owners of companies who are making an impact on humanity, and others hold top management positions in their various industries. They shared their success stories with participants and encouraged them to create jobs so that they can contribute to reducing Liberia’s level of poverty. We are so grateful to our volunteer speaker for making the program a successful one.

By: By Korvah M. Fromayan
The 50 participants were sad to leave because they wanted to continue learning new things. Victor, a participant said: "If this was a school, I would rather sell all I have to attend because what I am learning now is so inspiring and motivational."

Restoring the Hope of Education
By: Emmanuel G. Godfrey
During a three-day conference in Bopolu, we talked to over 80 youths about the pros and cons of western education and Liberian traditions, including the cruel and dangerous practice of female genital mutilation and bearing children at an early age. We used interactive games and activities to erase the common misconception that modern education makes one lose his or her true African identity. The conference also taught these youths how to prevent pregnancy, stand up for their rights, make wise choices, and say no to sexual harassment and violence.

By: By Emmanuel Godfrey
We at WEETAS believe that a great way to boost students’ confidence is through public speaking. Therefore, during the week of November 25, I along with my team implemented the “Expose the Problems to Solve the Problems“ spoken word competition with support from the people from the U.S. in my host state of Maine. According to the county’s Education office, this is the first spoken word competition that has ever taken place in the county. Students from the four major schools in the area participated in the contest. Contestants pointed out, spoke against, and suggested solutions to eradicating all forms of educational malpractices in schools across Liberia.